Featured image of post The Frog of the Well Syndrome

The Frog of the Well Syndrome

Ever met a person who is so convinced that they’re the absolute best at something and your opinion just doesn’t matter? Well, congratulations! they are the perfect specimen of ‘a Frog of the Well’. Read on to find out more!

Featured image of post Subconscious Thinking

Subconscious Thinking

You might have heard about how the visible part of an iceberg is merely the tip of it, on an average 10% is what is visible to the naked eye whereas 90% of the remaining part of the iceberg lies under the water and is the main thing that causes the damage to many ships that dare to go near it. Our brain is also the same, the amount of brainpower we use in a day is hardly the amount the brain is capable of. Read on to find out more about this mysterious part of our brain and my take on how you can (try to) harness it.

Featured image of post My Thoughts on the Metaverse

My Thoughts on the Metaverse

Metaverse is a combination of 2 words – “Meta” which means Beyond and “Verse” which is short of Universe and is basically exactly what it sounds like – “Beyond the Universe” or in a much larger sense, ‘Beyond the Reality” read on to find out more about the cool and impressive scopes for the Metaverse and what they hold for us and what I feel about it. (Thumbnail credits: Shravya Mallya © 2021)

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