Featured image of post सक्कद सम जत्ता

सक्कद सम जत्ता

सक्कद सम जत्ता or 'Everything will be fine', is a konkani poem written in the Mangalore tongue. This poem was written for a submission for the Sushiksha Fest held from 28th - 30th August 2020. It is also my first venture into Konkani poetry

Featured image of post No Men are Monsters, the Ones that are, are not Men…

No Men are Monsters, the Ones that are, are not Men…

Dr. Priyanka Reddy was raped on 29th November 2019 at Hyderabad by 4 people who can only be called monsters. Although they were encountered later trying to flee the police, things in the society haven't seemed to have changed much..

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